Starting A Home group


Models desired behavior of the Guests

Empowers Guests as growing disciples

Sends out e-mail reminder of meeting one week before

Asks guests to RSVP by the day before at 5pm

After the RSVP deadline, sends the Innkeeper a list of the Guests and the food item each person is bringing. The Innkeeper will have seen the “reply all” e-mails.

Asks each person to hit “Reply All” with food item to bring. Includes options such as entree, appetizer, side dish, salad, rolls, or dessert. Needs to ensure “dessert” is brought, since it is part of the evening event.

Brings a food item. Can wait until others have signed up to see what’s needed. Also, offers to bring main entree about every 6 months.

Brings the book 1001 Questions to the group. Can leave an extra copy with Innkeeper in case the Host forgets the book. Chooses and prints out ONE of the three scripture readings from the upcoming Sunday Mass.

When starting a NEW group, or if there is a new member, provides name tags.


How a Host Leads the Meeting:

After the meal, the Host gathers the group together and opens with a short spontaneous prayer invoking the Holy Spirit to guide their evening. The Host can ask someone else to say the opening prayer.

Host shares any announcements. This is a good time to remind Guests to pray about starting their own new group.

The Host can ask if anyone would like to lead the meeting. Otherwise, the Host leads.

The Host asks the check-in question “On a scale of 1-10 how are you doing and why? The Host picks someone in the group to start and which direction, left or right.

The Host then hands the book to someone in the group to pick any question from the book. The person selects a question, reads it out loud, chooses the starting person to answer the question, and chooses which direction to go, right or left.

When it’s time for the Scripture reading, the Host chooses someone in the group to read it and which direction, right or left. The starting person and the next two people will read the scripture aloud. After the scripture has been read three times, the next person in the circle shares thoughts on it. The sharing goes around the whole circle, including those who first read the Scripture aloud.

The Host chooses someone to begin the prayer request time and which direction. Each Guest shares a prayer.

The Host can add a short closing prayer naming those not able to be with them that evening.

The Host asks if there are any birthdays this month and if so, the group sings Happy Birthday.

The Host asks if there is someone who would like to receive prayer. If so, the group gathers round and with the Host leading prays over the person. Each person can add a prayer.

The group then has “dessert time.”


Other Host Duties

The Host checks with the Innkeeper and Helper as January and July approach and see if they want to continue in those roles. They may renew their commitment as long as they wish. Otherwise, the Host finds a new Innkeeper, Helper, or Host

After the Host has led for about 3 months, he or she can start by asking if someone would lead the group just for that evening. If you have a volunteer, hand him or her a “cheat sheet”, the book, and the scripture passage.

The mission of a Home group is to spawn new groups: “Make disciples of all nations.”

The new Hosts will then be attending two groups: their original Home group & their new Mission group.

This way they still have a Home base and can get support, encouragement and advice from the Host of their Home group about their new group as needed. They can share the wonderful experience of leading their new group with their Home group. Also, the Host can help ensure that they follow the Nazareth Recipe.

The Host focuses on using a Triangle approach, keeping in mind three things as they lead their group: the Nazareth Recipe, the Guest, and the Holy Spirit.

The goal of the Host is to “teach” by gently encouraging each Guest to become shepherds of the others in the group. The Host willingly lays down the role of teacher to become one of the group. At the same time, the Host exercises leadership which nurtures, affirms, and points each Guest toward God.

Host Spirituality

“You must be a servant to all”

“Lays down his/her life for the sheep.”

John the Baptist: “I become small so that Jesus might become All”

Incarnation: Jesus willingly became one of us. “He became human so we might become divine.”

Helping people see themselves as “God’s Delight!” “You are My Son or Daughter in whom I am well pleased.”


The Helper acts as a Guest but also is a silent Prayer Warrior.

The Helper joins in the Guest role and participates in all the questions.

The Helper is the time keeper who gently reminds the Host of the time or if some step was forgotten.

The Host, Helper and Innkeeper make a 6 month commitment to their role. Terms start in July and January.


Provides a warm & welcoming environment

Gets house ready

Ensures that there’s enough seating, given the RSVP list

Supplies beverages : Ex. Summer: water, lemonade, decaf, wine. Winter: water, cocoa, decaf, wine. Autumn: water, hot apple cider, decaf, wine.


Guests RSVP and use “Reply All” so that the whole group can see each response. Also, Guests let the group know what food item they are bringing.

“No strings attatched” approach: Guests have no homework, come when they can month by month, and are always welcome

Ask the Nazareth Team to help make phone calls and do grunt work, not Guests. Let Guests be Guests!

The Host may ask if any Guests if they would like to become a Host, Helper or Innkeeper of a new group.

No pressure, let it come from them and watch them grow!

Founding a “MISSION GROUP” group from within your HOME GROUP

If you are currently a member of Nazareth group, and wish to plant a new “Mission” group (i.e., you want remain meeting with your original “Home group” community while also leading new a group of your own), here are the steps.

  • Find an Innkeeper (1 or 2 people)

  • Find a Host

  • Find a Helper

  • Limit 12 people to a group, including Hosts, Helper and Innkeeper.

  • The model is based on the twelve disciples

  • New Host continues to attend Home group and facilitates new Mission group. Therefore, it will be 2 meetings a month for them (Home group and Mission group )

For leading a group

We encourage people to follow God’s voice if they believe He is calling them to lead a Nazareth group. While it’s simple to lead a group, it is also a spiritual responsibility. Here’s how to know if you’re ready to step into this role.

  • You have a relationship with Jesus

  • You sincerely try to follow the Holy Spirit’s voice and are willing to go where it leads

  • You have a habit of daily prayer time

  • You’ve attended a Nazareth group for 6 months (6 times total) and have seen how it works.

Those intending to start a Mission group should practice leading their Home group for two meetings so they feel more comfortable launching their new one.

All Guests can practice leading by using a Nazareth Cheat Sheet to increase their comfort level for leading a group